37.9 million combinations. Limitless positive outcomes.
Every individual possesses a unique set of 4 Core Values from nearly 38 million possible combinations. These values shape our identity and influence our daily choices, yet many people are unaware of what their Core Values are. Our scientifically validated Core Value Assessment changes that by decoding the complex science and motivating people to discover, activate, and thrive using their Core Values.
37.9 million combinations. Limitless positive outcomes.
What are your 4 Core Values?
In total, there are 80 individual Core Values. Whether you have a sense of what yours might be or are completely unsure, our assessment will help you uncover your Core Values and show you their meaning with exceptional clarity. The assessment, which takes about 5 minutes to complete, is delivered through our dedicated app or web portal.

Core Value activation is where the rubber hits the road
When you consciously align your day-to-day actions with your Core Values, it’s called value activation, and this is when the magic of your unique Core Values really starts to shine.
Activation in action
Sarah, a high school student exploring career options, was unsure where to begin. Her four Core Values are:
- Playfulness
- Kindness
- Preservation
- Service
By activating her Core Values, she discovered a range of perfect–fit career options, such as veterinary services, nonprofit coordinator, and early childhood educator. These careers would let her live out her values in a meaningful way.

Activation in action
Dillion is applying for a new role as an urban planner and wants to construct a compelling cover letter. By highlighting his Core Values of strength, determination, equality, and change, he was able to explain clearly why he was perfectly suited for the position in a unique, authentic way that got him noticed.

Activation in action
Christopher works as a project manager at a mid-sized tech company. One of his projects faced a critical deadline, and the team was under pressure to deliver quickly. During a review, Christopher discovered a potential issue in the code that could lead to future problems. Despite the looming deadline, he activated his Core Value of integrity and insisted on addressing the issue immediately, ensuring the project’s long-term success and maintaining the trust of the client. His commitment to integrity set a standard for the team, fostering a culture of honesty and quality.

The benefits are real. Our science and research have recently been published in the Journal of Personality Assessment
Activates reward centers of the brain2
Gives you a future orientation2
Mental wellbeing improves3
Psychological distress decreases4
Self-compassion improves5
Increases positive behaviors towards others6
Less rumination after failing7

Reduces negativity8
Increases creativity at work9
Makes life feel more meaningful10
Higher levels of optimism and happiness11
Lower levels of sadness and anger12
Increased success in reaching goals13
Performance improves at work and school14-16
Activates reward centers of the brain2
Gives you a future orientation2
Mental wellbeing improves3
Psychological distress decreases4
Self-compassion improves5
Increases positive behaviors towards others6
Less rumination after failing7
Reduces negativity8
Increases creativity at work9
Makes life feel more meaningful10
Higher levels of optimism and happiness11
Lower levels of sadness and anger12
Increased success in reaching goals13
Performance improves at work and school14-16
- Activates reward centers of the brain2
- Gives you a future orientation2
- Mental wellbeing improves3
- Psychological distress decreases4
- Self-compassion improves5
- Increases positive behaviors towards others6
- Less rumination after failing7
- Reduces negativity8
- Increases creativity at work9
- Makes life feel more meaningful10
- Higher levels of optimism and happiness11
- Lower levels of sadness and anger12
- Increased success in reaching goals13
- Performance improves at work and school14-16

Seity is helping leading organizations develop a stronger workforce

Gemma Mayman
SVP Pfizer Global Services
In my career, I’ve done every type of Workforce Development Program from StrengthsFinder to Enneagram, but the Seity program was without doubt the best I have ever run with a team. The impact has been so long lasting. It’s a wonderfully different approach with Seity as it is so focused on the people and building belonging vs just fitting in.

Bring Seity to your people and help them thrive
If you would like to learn more about our personal and professional solutions, or book a demonstration, fill out the form below and a member of our customer success team will get in contact with you.

Discover your Core Values and see things clearer
Seity in the news
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